Monthly Archive: April 2018

A guide to creating a permanent barbecue pit in your garden

Many Brits will use a rise in temperatures and just a glimpse of the summer sun as an opportunity to take their cooking outside and enjoy some barbecued food. However, this pastime could be...

Garden and footballers

If you are sharing your garden with some young footballers then from the point of view of growing plants all can seem a bit lost with the broken stems and bruised flowers on your...

Our experiments on seed sowing composts

Our the lasts few months the GardenAdvice team have been experimenting on different types and brands of compost for seed sowing following a lot of comments from our MyGardenTeam members and viewers that they...

Starting a vegetable garden and how our MyGardenTeam service can help

If you are starting or planning a vegetable garden at first it can be a bit of an uphill struggle As you have to take on lots of new knowledge. The GardenAdvice MyGardenTeam service...